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Gallente Holoseries ‘Game of Crowns’ Draws Criticism Abroad

Koren Akko • YC121.05.14

A new and wildly popular Impetus holoseries has drawn the ire and criticism from both Amarr abroad and Gallente film circles in the Federation...

Semiki Based Contractor Breaks Ishukone-Raata Enforced NDA

Koren Akko • YC121.04.29

Despite operating under a cloak of a non-disclosure agreement, it would seem that leaks and stolen assets related to the Semiki Disaster investigation have spawned...

Nadire Security Consultants Complete SSI-II Development Contract

Koren Akko • YC121.04.28

A security contract made months ago between I-RED and a Gallente-based firm comes to light...

Fashion Mogul Rudy “Roo” Porteau Teases Early Previews Of Upcoming Summer Catalog

Taigeru Beldeia • YC121.04.26

With Summer still a while away, a notorious Syndicate fashion mogul attempts to gain an edge on the competition with early previews of his Summer catalog…

Thousands Celebrate 04.20 Across I-RED Syndicate Facilities With Music And Lots Of Harroule Dryweed

Taigeru Beldeia • YC121.04.20

A cultural phenomena makes itself readily apparent onboard I-RED facilities in Syndicate…

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