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XS-XAY - After the strange and foreboding appearance of a cargo container surrounding the disappearance of a number of VIPs within Syndicate, I-RED held a press release as to their findings. Present and speaking during this release was Julianni Avala, one of the directors of the I-RED Alliance.


“I-RED extends its sincerest apologies to the family and loved ones of Mister Repak Balas, who was found deceased earlier in the day yesterday. An autopsy has been conducted, and we can confirm everyone’s suspicion that this man was indeed murdered.


Out of respect of the family and loved ones of Mister Balas, we will not be publically publishing the results. However, for those that are sincerely interested in helping in this investigation, we will release, in private, the autopsy report.”


Many questions surrounding the state of the investigation were posed, and even more as to if I-RED believes the rest of the victims were safe.


“Right now, I know that not only I-RED is working hard at trying to find the perpetrators behind this, as well as find the victims of this horrid crime. There have been many offers of aid in this investigation. The more minds working on this, the faster we will solve this, and with more success.”


The CFO declined further questions.


I-RCN will continue to update our viewers as we can.


This is Koren Akko, reporting.

Koren Akko • YC119.10.03

I-RED Press Release on Baseliner Disappearances


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