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A-3ES3 - Reports of an explosion came flooding through aboard the Tash-Murkon Refinery in A-3ES3. Immediate rumors point to a terrorist bombing. At this time, I-RCN has been unable to verify these claims, however, there certainly was an incident of some kind that occurred aboard the Astrahus-class citadel.

Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch security forces under contract by I-RED were the first responders to the situation. An operative for the Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch, Shiran Mazaki, spoke on behalf of the organization about their handling of the situation as well as their report on the incident: "We have reason to believe a malfunction of some kind occurred. Investigations are still ongoing, but we suspect a spark triggered an explosive eruption of an exposed or damaged fuel line." Mazaki urged individuals not to stir up paranoia and panic by assuming a bomb of some sort was the cause of the explosion.

An Akagi Initiative investigation team, also under contract by I-RED, was reportedly severely injured due to the blast. Why or what the Akagi team was investigating prior to the explosion, however, is a bit unclear.

Meanwhile, a presence of Revenent Defense Corporation forces was also confirmed aboard the Tash-Murkon Refinery around the time of the explosion. I-RED officials have not provided comment on the situation. Additionally, numbers of civilian casualties, if there were any, have not been publicly disclosed.

Selenna Solange • YC119.03.07

Explosion Occurs On Tash-Murkon Refinery


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