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A-3ES3 - In the early hours of this morning, I-RED released an official statement regarding the situation aboard the Tash-Murkon Refinery. It is now considered under containment, and the security lockdown around the affected Beta Residential Sector has been lifted.

The final tally for civilian injuries is at 63, with no fatalities being reported. A handful of civilians are in critical, but stable condition. Approximately an hour after the shootout between Angel Cartel gang members and I-RED security contractors concluded, a Chimera-class carrier piloted by Korbin Lavius jumped into the system to conduct tactical command as well as deliver reinforcements aboard Sparrow-class dropships.

A damage assessment is currently being investigated by an I-RED Public Works engineering team. It is estimated that the damage to local infrastructure will cost several million ISK, but the exact numbers won't be available until the full report has been completed.

A representative from Revenent Defence Corporation has noted that a report regarding the recent security operations aboard the Tash-Murkon Refinery will be made available to the public within the coming weeks. For now, however, life aboard the citadel goes on as normal. The IRV Shirozen-Haikatu jumped out of A-3ES3 this morning after conducting a final tactical assessment. All of the arrested Angel Cartel members were brought aboard the vessel prior to it jumping out.

Selenna Solange • YC119.10.15

Shootout Aboard Tash-Murkon Refinery


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