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6-U2M8 - With the Yoiul Festival just right around the corner, management of the Concourse, touted as the largest mall in Syndicate, has reported a massive surge in sales. Financial experts in I-RED suspected to see an increase in sales of common gift items around this time due to last minute shopping sprees, but this surge far exceeded expectations. Similar sales increases have been observed across the other Operation Grey Steel© structures, but none as sharp as on board the 6-U2M8 Oriki Commercial Center.

Analyzing data provided by the Ishukone-Raata Corporate Investment Bank (I-RCB) reveals it is not only the baseliner residents of OGS© structures that are on a shopping spree. Financial reports indicate I-RED has had a recent purchase spree of construction components for planetary infrastructure as well as station components. These supplies are anticipated to be used for the ongoing construction of Atlas and Cloudfront. Just the other day marked the three month mark for the space elevator system. When asked for progress reports, I-RED officials stated a public press conference would be held soon.

Shops at the Concourse and across all OGS© structures are expected to close early tomorrow, so last minute shoppers have been warned! On behalf of all of us at I-RCN, we wish you all a happy Yoiul Festival and festive new year. 

Koren Akko • YC118.12.23

Market Surges with Last Minute Gift Purchases


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