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6-U2M8 - Oriki Commercial Center / Ishukone-Raata Corporate Offices

Ishukone-Raata's Certified News received word late last night that a meeting took place between Executor, Alex Hinkelmann and former Director of Ishukone-Raata's Internal Watch, Katrina Oniseki. Some hours later the Directorship released a brief statement regarding the meeting.

"Executor Hinkelmann has taken action to formally revoke any and all charges that may have been placed against Oniseki-haani. Her record has been cleared regarding the unfortunate incident that lead to her court martial under Taisho Revenent's command." Said Kamiir Ovlan, a public relations officer working in the Executors staff.

Not much is publicly known about the court martial of Oniseki-haani. Only that it came shortly after the bloody affair between the Internal Watch and a rogue member, that ultimately lead to the discovery of mass graves within the Syndicate region in late YC116. Many continue to speculate this was the cause of her formal resignation, and the resignation of John Revenent. Though no formal statement from either party has been made to confirm this.

The news has garnered relatively mixed reviews among employees, but overall they seem to accept the Executors action.

For Ishukone-Raata Certified News, this is Koren Akko reporting.

Koren Akko • YC119.02.01

Ishukone-Raata to Clear Record of Controversial Figure


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