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Welcoming Ceremony Held As New Citadel Enters Operation

Selenna Solange • YC118.08.13

6-U2M8 - A welcoming ceremony was held today by Ishukone-Raata Accounting and Transport officials with the onlining and opening of the fourth citadel licensed under Operation Grey Steel© of the Syndicate Stability Initiative II©.

Prior to the construction of the Astrahus-class citadel, I-RED opened initial investment opportunities to close friends and allies. One particular pilot, Vampire Oriki, responded immediately with the purchase of 151 shares. As such, according to guidelines mandated by the OGS© Investment Policy Form, the structure is thus christened as the Oriki Commercial Center. Optimizations for the structure have been geared towards population and community development, as well as a humble marketplace for both baseliner and capsuleer alike.

"We are proud to welcome new colonists, friends, business partners, and employees to the Oriki Commercial Center," said Operation Grey Steel© Project Manager, Roirdan Bouchate. "This facility upon full development will be the most populated Astrahus-class citadel in the Operation Grey Steel line-up. Being at the heart of the 98Q 'superpocket', it seemed only fitting to have this facility stand as a haven for cultural, economic, and political activities." Mr. Bouchate's enthusiasm was obviously contagious among the hopeful new inhabitants.

"We would also like to note that shares for the Oriki Commercial Center are now available to the public as well," remarked Mr. Bouchate. He concluded his brief opening statement with the following, "we are now one step closer to establishing the 98Q 'superpocket' as the most economically, culturally, and politically developed 'pocket loop' in the Syndicate region! May the future be bright for all of us."

The next few days will likely be very busy for the young Astrahus, as more and more settlers move in and get acquainted with their new home. Development within the major residential sectors located underneath the citadel is occurring at an extremely rapid rate. Rumors hinting at the eventual construction of a planet-side resort on the small ocean world of 6-U2M8 III have been circulating, but are unconfirmed at this time.

In related news, this facility has been designated as the headquarters of the Ishukone-Raata Certified News branch of I-RED. The future holds exciting and prosperous times for us, indeed.

For Ishukone-Raata Certified News, this is Selenna Solange reporting.


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