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Fashion Mogul Rudy “Roo” Porteau Teases Early Previews Of Upcoming Summer Catalog

Taigeru Beldeia • YC121.04.26

Poitot, Syndicate - Syndicate based fashion designer Rudy Porteau has just teased a selection of shots for his upcoming Summer catalog, which will launch in early August. Porteau’s teaser was done on his Peeper™ account, and has already received thousands of likes and repeeps. The popularity of Porteau’s designs seems to remain high despite highly controversial claims by rival fashion mogul Fabuleux in May of YC120. Porteau insists till this day that the claims Fabuleux made are false and malicious.

The early tease of upcoming releases for Porteau’s in-house brand, Roo’s Looks, comes weeks ahead of the Poitot Summer Fashion Show. Fashion commentators have noted that this early release could either set Roo’s Looks ahead of the other major fashion houses, or it could prove detrimental to the brand. Porteau seems willing to bank on the riskiness of the early tease, eager to stay ahead of the pack.

In another recent Peeper™ post by Porteau, an image of a model wearing a YC120 Summer outfit by Fabuleux is posed next to another image with the same model wearing a YC121 Summer outfit by Roo’s Looks. The post was captioned “Upgrade ur lewk this Summer! Soon, darlings!!!” followed by a kissing face emoticon. Comments are currently disabled for the post, but it has already garnered the attention of a large portion of Fabuleux fans, who have berated the post with vitriol and criticism.

The Summer of YC121 is set to be an interesting one for the fashion world, with rumors circulating of other fashion houses teasing their upcoming releases all in an attempt to remain in dominant positions.


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