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New Sect Of Caldari Wayism Takes Root In Syndicate

Taigeru Beldeia • YC120.06.13

A-3ES3, Syndicate - A recent census aboard the A-3ES3 Tash-Murkon Refinery, an Astrahus-class citadel, reveals an interesting trend - the rise in a form of Wayism known as Windchime Wayism. This form of Caldari spirituality is espoused most prominently among territories belonging to the Raata Zaibatsu, an independent conglomerate of corporations ruled by House Yaken who themselves claim to be one of the original “houses” that existed during the Raata Empire on Caldari Prime. Windchime Wayism takes a turn from traditional Wayism in that the ability for non-bloodline Caldari to participate in the spirituality is stated much more explicitly.

Some cultural analysts believe that it is because of this difference that some residents aboard the Tash-Murkon Refinery have begun practicing it. The Tash-Murkon Refinery has a reputation as being the I-RED facility where religion and spirituality are most prevalent - most notably the Amarr faith and the Intaki Ida. The I-RED Religious Practice Charter, or RPC, guarantees residents and employees aboard I-RED facilities the right to practice their preferred religion or spirituality so long as it does not cause interference to their work, the work of others, and the lives of others.

Reportedly, there are practitioners of Windchime Wayism numbering in the thousands aboard the Tash-Murkon Refinery. While the census reports that a majority of these individuals are of Caldari ethnicity, the group as a whole is relatively cosmopolitan compared to the Amarr faith and Intaki Ida communities aboard the facility.

It remains to be seen if at all this form of Wayism will resonate with more residents and employees aboard I-RED facilities. So long as the spirituality doesn’t interfere with the goals of I-RED, it will likely persist among I-RED installations.


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