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XS-XAY - There are less than seven days remaining before both the Ishukone-Raata Directorship and the Akagi leadership are scheduled to meet for their first quarterly review. This review will allow both sides to renegotiate the terms of their contract and confront percieved issues. While such an effort is expected, this meeting may bring unexpected changes to the contract.


With Ishukone-Raata supporting the decision of their parent corporation's CEO Mens Reppola to ensure cordial and coopertive relations remain in place with the Gallente Federation, and the Akagi Initiative consisting of several prolific Kaalakiota loyalists, some suspect this may open up room for conflict between the two organizations. What also remains to be seen is how I-RED and the Akagi Initiative will interact since the CEP's mandate to partially close the Caldari-Gallente borders and decommision embassies.


No details have been released as to just what changes may take place in the contract, if at all, and if these will even be made known to the public.



For Ishukone-Raata Certified News, this is Koren Akko reporting.

Koren Akko • YC119.03.27

Ishukone-Raata Prepares for Akagi Contract Review


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