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5-75MB, Syndicate - Following the recent storm of rumors surrounding reported sightings of the leader of last year's ill-fated Anoikis Research Division expedition, Dr. Petrus Rouvier, I-RED officials have opted to finally confirm his presence. In a press conference aboard the 5-75MB Vykos Research Institute, a weak-looking Dr. Rouvier sat accompanied by a team of Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute medical staff to answer questions from assembled press.

"I am well taken care of by the I-RTI medical team", commented Dr. Rouvier. "I...apologize in advance if I cannot answer questions due to murky memory or otherwise."

When asked what happened aboard the modified Falcon-class recon cruiser, Dr. Rouvier simply shrugged. "We are still trying to figure that out. We think it may have been some kind of attack by Sansha's Nation forces, or some freak natural phenomena which drove much of the crew mad."

When asked about the whereabouts of the rest of the crew, he shrugged again, but did not provide an answer. His medical company waived the question.

A local news station kept pressing for more answers about the whole incident, and how he managed to make it back to known space. However, Dr. Rouvier appeared visibly shaken and unable to provide comment. The press conference was abruptly ended at the discretion of Dr. Rouvier's medical staff.

"That is all the questions for today, thank you", one of the psychologists stated. "Dr. Rouvier is in a process of recovery and rehabilitation, and I-RED will provide more statements on the operation as needed."

Selenna Solange • YC120.01.14

Petrus Rouvier Confirmed Alive And About


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