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6-U2M8 - In a brief press conference today, the Ishukone-Raata Certified News division of Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive revealed a brand new Galactic Network site for the organization.

"The site will serve to communicate what I-RED does, who I-RED is, and other developments related to the organization", I-RCN CEO Selenna Solange stated. "It was something that was long overdue, and I am glad to be present for its release."

The I-RED Board of Directors hopes it will increase visibility of the organization throughout the cluster. The site's development is part of a slew of projects initiated by the new administration of I-RED to truly brand it as a legitimate corporate entity operating under the provision of the Ishukone Corporation.


Selenna Solange • YC119.02.21

I-RED Unveils New GalNet Site


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