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Technological Research Institute

Recently established, the Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute is responsible for the continued development of new and improved technologies. Scientists within this division of I-RED are supported and encouraged in their specialized fields of study, provided there is no breach of ethics, and results are made available without restrictions to I-RED. Public services such as medical evaluations (both physical and psychological) are available to baseliners and capsuleers by appointment only.


Dr. Emiri Aneozomi - CEO, Lead Researcher, Psychologist

Emiri Aneozomi has lived her life dedicated to the field of psychology with a special focus on capsuleers and the undeniably arduous process of 

becoming one. After completing her Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree at the Science and Trade Institute, she was accepted by the Ishukone mega-corporation as a clinical psychologist to assess potential capsuleers. In year YC118, she was determined to be a significant asset of both the present and future of capsuleer research and development, and thus placed into the program herself, sponsored by the Ishukone-Raata Enforcement Directive. Upon completion, she was named CEO of the new branch of I-RED known as the Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute where she is expected to lead researchers and scientists with a large variety of specializations.

Toroko Shiyurida - Assistant Researcher, Exploration Specialist

Toroko is a recent addition to Capsuleer life. Having spent most of her younger years groundside on Achura she has maintained a fairly prominent, if local, postion as a research fellow for 

Archeological studies. She declined an offer made in her twenties when she was found to be compatible for Capsuleer training. Coming to the peak of her career in her early 30's she recognized a deep yearning for the broader histories of not only her people but all peoples of New Eden. Understanding the necessity that travel through space would play in this she applied for Capsuleer training through the School of Applied Knowledge. Maintaining a minor in cross-cultural Historic studies and Majoring with a Masters in Astrometrics she made her way to the stars, rapidly finding herself involved with the Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute to further her own goals of Anthropological history as well as the innate curiosity she has for all things unknown.


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