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SEMIKI, Lonetrek - The Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch has submitted several reports that have just been de-classified for the I-RCN's use. As of late 21.01.121, the security forces under direction of O-RIW's Commander, Shiran Mazaki, have reported the detection of unusually aggressive Guristas forces in the Semiki solar system.

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For Ishukone

For the State

The Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive is a capsuleer entity with affiliations under the Ishukone Corporation. I-RED had a long and venerable history of securing and expanding the assets and interests of Ishukone and the Caldari State in the fringes of developed space. Still bound by an operational contract from their parent organization, I-RED has gone through significant changes recently. While largely operating under the same ideals it previously held, I-RED now focuses on expanding the influence of Ishukone through a new modus operandi - political, economical, and infrastructural agendas. This will likely remain for the near foreseeable future. I-RED is currently deployed in the Syndicate region, where it works to promote free trade and development of the area.

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