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Poitot, Syndicate - Popstar Stellaria has just released an unannounced holiday album today in select stores across Syndicate. News of the new release spread like wildfire throughout the region. Fans of all age groups stormed the selection of stores which carried the diva's new album. On the social media platform Peeper™, the popstar peeped, "my holiday gift to all my fans! pls enjoy and i wish you all a lovely Yoiul festival♥."

Her peep has since been liked and repeeped thousands of times. Many fans have expressed their approval of the album on the social media platform. One fan peeped, "I'm gonna be blasting these tracks at my family party for sure! #stellalife." Another one stated, "just got my copy! I love all the songs so far."

The new album, titled A Stella Holiday Season, has the artist's rendition of Yoiul classics such as Under the Moon, Around the Fireplace, Bell Rock, Quiet Night, and Its Beginning To Look Like Yoiul. The album will be released in the beginning of the new year to all stores, as well as be available online for download.

Taigeru Beldeia • YC119.12.19

Syndicate Popstar Drops Unexpected Holiday Album


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