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Malkalen Solar System - Ishukone-Raata Headquarters


A day after an alleged skirmish between Ishukone-Raata's Internal Watch and the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps, the Patriot Megacorpoation demanding answers. Details continue to remain hidden from the public, however, an informant who has asked to remain anonymous revealed that the Internal Watch has been accused of trespassing on a Wiyrkomi Facility within the Erila system. The informant also revealed that the Megacorporation is threatening legal action should Ishuk-Raata continue to ignore the situation.


It is suspected that a shuttle belonging to Wiyrkomi with representatives will be sent to Ishuk-Raata's Headquarters within the Malkalen system to deliver their demands in person, though it is remains unclear if they will move to file the incident with the CEP and continue with their threats of legal action.


I-RCN will continue to monitor this situation as it unfolds.


For Ishukone-Raata Certified News, this is Koren Akko reporting.

Koren Akko • YC119.03.23

Wiyrkomi Demands Answers after Internal Watch Caught Trespassing


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