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Serpentis Launch Surprise Attack Against I-RED Joint Initiative

Selenna Solange • YC120.05.28

Serpentis Launch Surprise Attack Against I-RED Joint Initiative
Selenna Solange • YC120.05.28

AAS-8R, Syndicate - In a bold and surprising move, Serpentis launched an attack on a joint mining operation hosted by the Ishukone-Raata Industrial Partnership. The daring raid came to an utter shock by I-RED forces on field. Scouting reports failed to verify any Serpentis threat in the area, until a Moros-class dreadnaught warped on field accompanied by a small cruiser support fleet. The Serpentis attack managed to claim a Porpoise-class industrial command ship.

I-RIP corporation director Mais Aulmar just released a statement regarding the situation. "This foolhardy move by the Serpentis Corporation to disrupt our industrial efforts in the region of Syndicate has failed. While I-RED forces did sustain some losses, the Serpentis paid dearly for the attack. I-RED security contractor Revenent Defence Corporation will continue to monitor the operations. Serpentis cannot and will not break the will of I-RED. Not now, not ever."

Upon the destruction of the dreadnaught, mining operations resumed promptly. A handful of Enforcer destroyers were called upon the scene to sift through the remnants of the brief battle. The vessels are equipped for salvaging and rescue operations. Survivors aboard the dreadnaught are being extricated as we speak. Those recovered are being arrested and detained in a local facility. Escape pods were allowed to exit the immediate vicinity.

The following are images captured by camera drones.

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