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XS-XAY - For a number of weeks, reports have indicated the absence of both baseliner as well as capsuleer personnel within Ishukone-Raata Enforcement Directive. While numbers have not been confirmed, inside sources have indicated that at least three baseliner personnel and one capsuleer has gone missing without explanation.


When inquiries were made about their sudden departure, officials remained tight-lipped. “Our personnel are allotted vacation time that they are free to take provided it has been approved by administration. When they spend it is only our concern for scheduling purposes,” said I-RED Executor Alex Hinkelmann.


Other officials have outright refused to comment, citing confidentiality.


Reports have also been made that there has been a large increase in the number of Internal Watch operatives around the Headquarters and all facilities as a whole.


While it is unknown just what may be happening, our insiders confirm that things certainly appear out of the ordinary.


I-RCN plans on continuing to watch as this strange situation unfolds.


For Ishukone-Raata Certified News, this is Koren Akko reporting.

Koren Akko • YC119.03.20

Increase of I-RED Personnel Absences; Inquiries Point To Questionable “Vacations”


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