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Gariushi Menu Selection



Softdrinks and Others

Hak’len Tea (Black Tea): The true Caldari Tea, made with the finest selection of kresh leaves from New Caldari. Originally from Caldari Prime this slightly bitter variety found a new home in New Caldari. Today, thanks to genetic engineering and nanotechnology it's near to impossible even for the most discerning palate to distinguish a New Caldari Hak'len from a Caldari Prime one. Not available for non-ethnic Caldari.


Fuukiuvestan Black (Black Tea): The Fuukiuvestan Black is the rarest and the most prestigious of black teas. Indigenous herb from the Fuukiuvestan mountains, Its excellent quality is the result of climate and elevation. Each harvest period produces a slightly distinctive taste depending on the season, but overall is characterized by a darker, full-bodied cup.


Kaalakiotan K’vire Green (Green Tea): Not as mythical as the Hak'len tea, but twice as widespread, this green tea variety is well known for its smoky aroma and exquisite jade green color in the cup. This tea has a mixture of subtle sweetness and bitterness.


Matigu Green (Green Tea): A native Camellia sinensis from Matigu, New Caldari, This variety is characterized for a smooth taste which remains long in the mouth, and has less bitterness than the Kaalakiotan K'vire; It is highly appreciated for its significant dosage of caffeine.


Saisio Evergreen (Green Tea):  Produced on Saisio III. Typically consumed by the monks, stargazers and inventors of the various monastic orders found across the homeworld, for primarily meditative and stimulative reasons. Tea of the Achura is not as bitter or strong as kresh tea, and it is also not sweetened by additional ingredients.


Iyen-Oursta Red (Red Tea): Obtained from the dry leaves of the Aspalathus linearis plant that grows in abundance in Iyen-Oursta VI, it is valued for its unique and refreshing taste and its strong aromatic qualities. It brews up a warm reddish brown color, is full bodied and slightly sweet.


Tasabeshi-Ono White (White Tea): Two different herbs grown in the neighbouring systems of Tasabeshi and Ono blend together to create one of the finest white teas. Delicate in flavor as well as color, the tea has a subtle, slightly sweet flavor and a mellow creamy or nutty quality.


Parakone Dylii (White Tea): A recently created tea from small-time farmer Tashi Dylii. The main tea component is derived from exotic flowers on tropical worlds within the Forge region. It offers a mix of an initially sweet taste that then subsides to a slightly sour taste.


Onitseru Blue (Blue Tea): Brewed from the blue flowers of the Juune Tree native to New Caldari V, this tea has highly medicinal and relaxing properties. With a slightly sharp aftertaste that clears the sinuses and mild sedative properties, it is often used as a nightcap or meditative brew. The drink displays a remarkable azure hue, thanks to the flowers.

Suvala® Krekaa:  A uniquely Caldari drink made by the fermentation and distillation of Kresh pomace. Potent and dry, barkeeps occasionally add a little syrup to sweeten the lot. Most Krekaa variations are not aged before bottling and thus are typically clear and colorless. Not available for non-ethnic Caldari.


Suvala® Hak’len Liquor: Nearly opaque black liquor produced from Kresh grapes instead of the leaves, extremely strong and toxic and reserved for ceremonial use. Associated with death and remembrance, it is typically added to Hak’Len tea or taken as a shot depending on purpose. Not available for non-ethnic Caldari.


Suvala® Plum Brandy: Made from the juices of the Achuran sugar-plum, this is one of the few uniquely and identifiably Achuran spirits. Ranging in color from clear to light brown, it is served chilled in some places while in others it is taken at room temperature. It is considered by many to be a good post-meal drink which aids in digestion.


Zydrine Wine: This delicate wine is brewed from rice leaves. It often takes on a faint green hue akin to that of raw Zydrine ore, whence it derives its popular name. While Zydrine wine is in fact quite potent, it is very light on the palate and has an aftertaste of green tea. The resultant tendency for drinkers to assume the wine is non-alcoholic has led to some very amusing situations.


Zydrine Burn: A cousin of the more refined Zydrine wine, Zydrine Burn (or just "Burn") is made from rice leaves and several unspecified components, one of which may or may not be liquefied fedo scent glands. The experience of drinking Burn has been compared to standing behind a spaceship's subspace engine, while the ship is running, with one's mouth open.


Forgemeister: Standard lager produced only in The Forge. Available on tap.


Lonetrek Light: A popular light lager from the producers of Forgemeister, smooth and easy. Available on tap.


Osmon & Kaari: A strong port beer, bitter and dark. Available on tap.


Nouvelle Veiy: Kept in reserve for VIPs. Not available for other patrons.


+ Over seventy various local and popular spirits available for mixed and straight drinks

Starsi:“Take it with a Starsi!”


Diet Starsi: “Half the Calories, all the Revenge!”


Quafe: The one and only.


Quafe Ultra: This party-in-a-can will give you all the energy you can handle and then some!


JitaMoo Milk: Fresh dairy product from the cattle ranches of Jita III. Smooth and cold.


JitaMoo Chocolate Milk: JitaMoo milk enhanced with a super fun dosage of sweet chocolate syrup!


Coffee: Best served black. 


Fruit and Vegetable Juice: Over 24 varieties!


Ghalen Pastries: Ghalen is an old Achuran dish of ground meat mixed with chopped vegetables, wrapped in large green leaves and cooked in fat and oils. Each Ghalen pastry is usually the size of a man's fist, dripping with juice when one bites into it. It is served piping hot and is one of the few dishes of old that has not only retained its appeal, but become known throughout the world of New Eden.


Ghalen Dumplings: Ghalen dumplings are variants of the more common Ghalen pastries. The dumplings have far less filling, if any, and usually consist merely of rice balls rolled in leaves and then deep-fried. On holy days, they are eaten without any condiment or side dish, but in recent times they've gained vast popularity with young consumers, who tend to dip them in all manner of spicy sauces.


Caldari Take-Out: It isn't Caldari by any definition of the word, but this Gallente corruption of Caldari cuisine is one of the few trends to catch on in the State. Greasy, flavorful, and damn near addictive, you never stay full for long after eating Caldari Take-Out.


Sushi: Various flavors and styles. Popular and plentiful, with a dedicated sushi chef on staff.


Authentic Caldari Cuisine: Just like back home, but not quite like mom and dad made it.

Exclusive Aged Collection

YC42 Providence Syrah:  Blood red wine dating back to the early days of Imperial interests in Providence. Taken from CVA stock YC110


YC51 Intaki Chardonnay: White wine given as a gift to John Revenent by the Intaki people YC112.


YC99 Black Rise Sake: Top tier rice wine grown in Black Rise after the State colonized the region.


YC76 Poitot Merlot: Red wine purchased from Intaki Syndicate vendors YC111.

Fine Tobacco Selection

Heimatar Oscuro: Strong, stinky, dark cigars imported from Matari space.


Tovil-Toba Rosado: A thick reddish-brown cigar famously smoked by Admiral Yakiya Tovil-Toba. The wrapping company officially changed the brand name to reflect the hero’s name after his sacrifice.


Gariushi Jades: Nearly green cigars, very expensive. Thought to be the favored flavor of Otro Gariushi.


Lucky Shots:  Thin cigarettes popular in the Caldari Navy. Comes in a variety of flavors and styles.


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