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Executor Initiates Standings Review

Koren Akko • YC121.02.13

Several reports have surfaced that Executor, Alexandre Hinkelmann of the Ishukone-Raata Enforcement Directive has initiated a high-level standings review. The review appears to involve two Capsuleer organizations, the Intaki Prosperity Initiative [IPI], and the Amarr Loyalist group known as Khimi Harar [LUMEN].


There has been speculation on the reasoning behind the decision. Some of which point to the interactions in the already tense situation evolving in the Semiki Solar System.


Karia Kaalkar a retired STI Professor who worked in the fields of Infomorph Technology and Political Sciences seems to believe. “The Ishuk-Raata organization has a history of utilizing their diplomatic standings as leverage. Though we’ve only seen it used a handful of times, especially when it pertains to actions within the Caldari State.” Kaalkar also stated that while the Ishukone-Raata policy has often been viewed as “very open”, that was only when dealing with corporations and entities outside of direct State or Ishukone influences.


“It is very likely that they’re using this review to put pressure on their partners aboard, to ensure non-interference in what they see as a sensitive State matter.”


Attempts were made to contact the Executor’s office but so far there has been no comments.


We at I-RCN will continue to report this situation as it unfolds.

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